
Heads a bit of a Fuzz at the moment. I’m moving out of my home in a few weeks. Gonna miss this old drum. And options are relatively rosy. I’m semi-seriously thinking about getting a canal boat.

Stop laughing. 😮

I have to give it more than a little serious thought I know as I tend to focus on the positives. I see the postcard pic of events rather than weighing up the pros and cons in their entirety.

This way of thinking has it’s plus points for sure as you’re kind of more willing to take risks in life and just go for it. And quite often it’s a risk taken without taking into account hard truths. Cold winters. Emptying out bogs etc.

I need to make sure I don’t let the vision of myself as some kind of canal boat Jack Kerouac, blinker the reality of things. Romanticism aside there is potential for someone who works for themselves in the photography industry to turn this to their creative advantage. That’s for sure. And still. It’s a lot to muse on.

Friends and family are a little divided in their views. Some are playing it safe and some are saying ‘go for it’. The thing is though when I do ask advice I don’t know about you but I tend to listen to the advice I want to hear. So It’s pointless asking.

At the end of the day It’s down to me. And I have a little time. I’m going to drive my parents mad for a few months and move back in with them. So yep. Heads a bit fuzzy at the moment.

I’ve not been meditating as much recently either. Or drinking as much water. Little things I know but if I meditate in the mornings, drink a gallon of water a day and write this journal I have around 50% more energy in my day. Sigh.That’ll do for today.


The Photographer Diaries


I Named my Son After a Meth Cook


Never Ask A People Pleaser For Support