I Named my Son After a Meth Cook
I’d forgotten it all started with a pair of trousers flying through the air of the New Mexico desert. I don’t recall anything much else of Breaking Bad to be fair. Not many if any of the actual scenes. The paradox here is I do remember it being one of the best TV shows I’d ever watched.
I can remember the names. Walter White, aka Heisenberg. Jesse Pinkman. I should remember Jesse as we named our son after him.
This little fact should probably entail I can remember a lot more from the show than I do. But I don’t. I just kind of remember the gist.
A little something to note. Yes we did name our son after a crystal meth cook/dealer but if memory serves it was the name we liked. It wasn’t a tribute to Cap n Cooks chemistry skills.
My 16 year old Louis recently wrapped watching season 5 and the follow up movie El Camino and he’s gone bonkers for it. So I was hit with the urge to rewatch. Five seasons to go.
And there they are ... the trousers.