Weekly Roundup - Zooms and Rope Swings
Watching: Caliphate
Reading: Blood Orange
Sun 10th of May
Up! Quick tidy up as the kids are coming. Wrote a little outline for an upcoming vlog/blog combo, I’m calling “The Time Travellers Guide to Productivity.” Waiting for Dom to send across his pick up video for the Heartless video. Another day or so should have it wrapped up. Have to spin the structure a little based on chats with Zoe.
I’ve been drawing for the first time in years. They’re just scribbles really, little doodles which people seem to like. Max and I are thinking of putting some Merch out with the drawings I did of him.I’ve had a whole bunch of messages.
Fell asleep for a few hours this afternoon. Woke up in a weird borderline yellow submarine type haze on account of some bizarre dream I can’t remember. Sophia and Louis arrived in the evening with Woody the pigeon. I made a mince curry. I’d never made one before but I couldn’t face spagbol again. It was ok.
Finished my book, The Hunting Party, finally and kindle bought a new one - Blood Orange by Harriet Trice.
Mon 11th of May
Starting to feel the pinch money-wise. A lot of people are in the same boat I know. I literally forgot to write this entry yesterday (Monday and am writing it today). Had a long chat with Fariyal in Spain which was sweet. She messaged to say she can’t chat as she’s off out for a beer with a friend for the first time in two months. The lockdown in Spain as been super solid. She said it was the best beer she’d ever tasted. Ended up chatting anyway when she she got back. Made up she got to go out at least for a while. Not sure what time I went to bed. Weird day.
Tue 12th of May
Oh yeah, that’s what I did yesterday. I created a new cool little Seventies preset for Lightroom called Seventies-100. Emma Jane called me out the blue at about 11 and we didn’t get off the phone till about 1. She’s inspired for a new venture. She used to present on TV years ago, it was a ‘The Word’ type of a show as I recall. She’s a larger than life soul is Emma, a ball of positive energy and she has this wonderful ability to inspire through sharing which I keep telling her shouldn’t be kept from the world.
Did a VLOG with Sophia in quick time, a productivity thing, talking about getting stuff done. Chopped, cropped and uploaded for a 2:30 pm scheduling tom. I hope it’s of value.
Walked to Tescos today to stock up on some bits. Was semi-sane in there.
Wed 13th of May
It’s 00:18 on the 14th as I’m writing this. Where’s the day gone? Jesse arrived today with C. He’s staying for a few days. He’s got such a little swagger my boy I love him dearly. Claudia already misses him she messaged me this evening. We went to the rope swing in the forest and he loved it. Sophia and Louis supported him to get up on it as it’s quite a big old swing curve. He was so happy with himself.
My YouTube video went live at 2:30 pm. Not had a lot of views. It’s bonkers YouTube you can put your heart and soul into something and pick up a few views and you post something with not too much effort and you’ll get hundreds. Crazy. Later realised YouTube had cracked down on the video a little on account of I used the word shit in the title. Give me a fckin break.
Finished the next draft of the music video for the Heartless second single. Waiting on a bit of feedback for tweaks etc then should be ready to go live with it. I’m very happy with this version.
Watched an episode of Caliphate. It’s dark and tense and very good.
Still not back into meditation. Need to shift as I’m sluggish as fck.
Lights out. zzzzz.
Thu 14th of May
Woke up at 5:35. Immediately thought that’s not a good idea in any way shape or form and went back up for another 2 and a bit hours. Felt semi refreshed about 9 ish. Got a shoot this morning with Katie and her young ones obviously keeping to social distancing. It’s in the forest next to my house. Lots of space there so we can get some good shots without any freaking out going on.
Nice to meet Katie and her children. Took them into the woods to the rope swing and got some frames. Was a beautiful soft light in there today.
Had a round of Mario Kart with Jesse whilst Sophia did her zoom tutor lesson. He thrashed me.
Feel whacked today. I’ve still not picked up my meditation practice.
I sent a few teasers to Katie. Shoot tom with Leslie and Georgia and Charlie in the forest again. Be fun. I’ll bring Sophia and Jesse along with me for this.
Jesse loves tickle story’s for bed. He looks forward to them so much. Melts my heart his giggle. :)
Fri 15th of May
Another forest shoot today with Lesley - a friend of mine. I’ve known Les’ since she was like 17 and she’s a special soul. She’s bringing her two children Georgia and Charlie. I’m going to bring Sophia and Jesse along and head back to the infamous rope swing.
Final touches to the Heartless’ video as Zoe has to send to the NME.
Video sent to ZOE. She sent me a special message saying how much she loved it. Feels good.
Special day with the children. We made a little snake for Jesse's schoolwork. It was a snake made out of toilet roll tubes. :) He also wrote a lovely little special message to his grandma.
Been mulling over a new idea for a project I think is going to be something very special - watch this space.
Decided to ditch all of the video for todays Vlog. It felt a little too contrived.
Uncover the realities of approaching strangers for street portraits. Explore how discomfort fuels creativity and why true confidence in street photography isn’t about feeling comfortable.