Why do you Shoot Street Photography?

I sometimes struggle, when people ask, with coming up with a reason for why I shoot street photography. Usually my mind will kick in and try to come up with an explanation.

This usually usually sounds like a load of old pretentious bollocks.

I just love shooting life. It really is that simple. And I'm still fascinated by the idea that I have in my possession a box of magic that can ‘actually’ freeze a moment in time. This is something truly precious. Something we can so easily take for granted.

That we have this power at our disposal is nothing short of a miracle. Like what the fuck? If you could somehow go back in time 200 years with a camera and show it to somebody from that time, and then told them you was from another planet ... they would have to believe you.

I think I just explained why I love shooting street photography. Or taking photographs at least.

A few clicks from the past month or so.

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Teddy Bear Street Photography - Dealing with Confrontation


B&W Street Photography in Southend-On-Sea