Street Photography Therapy

Use Fear

Street Photography has always been something I can use to grow as a person. As long as I’m challenging myself. If I’m too comfortable my images are going to be comfortable.

If I am taking photographs just for the fun then the means have met the end which is great and it doesn’t really matter how I approach it however … if I want to have fun and also to grow and develop as a photographer then I need to challenge myself.

For me this means using my fear (which often stops us from moving forward) as a guide and a measure of where I am at. If I’m aware of fear then I can either allow it to stop me in my tracks or I can use it as a motivator to push ahead and challenge myself.

Camera: Fuji Xpro3
Lens: Fuji 16mm f/1.4mm
Edited: Custom Edits in Adobe Lightroom

View YOUTUBE video here.


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