New York Street Photography Volume II

New York - November 2022
I’m in New York and it’s fuckin’ cold but I’m not bothered, I’m from London. I’m in my element here and frankly NYC is a street photographers dream. If you’ve never been to New York and think it’s going to resemble the movies you’d be right. Yellow taxis hustle each other for dominance and pedestrians push and shove and hurry to wave them down. The unrelenting sounds of car horns and people hollering play against the light pattering of rain. The glare of reds and yellows reflect off the wet sidewalks. I’m not arsed about the rain either, like I said, I’m from London.
All images taken with the FUJI XPRO III, the Fuji 16mm f/1.4 and the Fuji 23mm f/2.0.
Check out my YOUTUBE channel for videos tracking my NY shooting experience.

I’m in New York and it’s fuckin’ cold but I’m not bothered, I’m from London.
I was in the Angel of Islington with Katie. She was getting a little tattoo done.