Once Upon a Time in Joshua Tree

I’m not sure why it’s taken me so long to upload this shoot as it’s one of my favourites from 2015. I took every single one of these photographs at my Dare Photography Workshop in Palm Springs California of February that year. Trigs and Olivia were the models you see. It’s kind of difficult to put into words how special this workshop was.
It was special because of the location. It was special to me personally because it was a dream of mine to facilitate a workshop in California. It was special because I have my one year old son with me. Most of it was special because of the participants and not just that they were there but more so the way they participated.
There was a magic to this workshop that I can’t quite put into words. There was a camaraderie and friendships were formed that in some cases would last a lifetime. I’ll never forget the full five days we spent here in February of 2015 it really was an incredible time. The bulk of the workshop took place at the ace hotel in Palm Springs. This trip to Joshua tree took place on the final day. I hope you enjoy the images.

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