The London Photographer Diaries
Stress Gets a Bad Press
There’s a whole bunch of people out there who will support you to fight for your limitations. They are not mean or doing it on purpose. It’s mostly an unconscious happening. .
A Battalion of Reasons for Not Getting Shit Done
Have you noticed the instant you come up with a cool idea it’s almost immediately followed by a huge fuckin’ battalion of reasons …
Wounded Spirit
There is nothing so disheartening than a wounded spirit. Creative hesitancy. Fear of not ‘doing it right’. I’ve seen it at my workshop time and again and it’s heartbreaking.
Derailing the Matrix of Habit - Creative Self Awareness
Before I go into a shoot or start work on a project and at frequent intervals throughout my day I step into what I (pretentiously) call my ‘Creative Awareness Tank’ …
Never Ask A People Pleaser For Support
If you want support to achieve a goal first of all put it out there. Tell someone else about it. At least one other person.