The London Photographer Diaries
Stress Gets a Bad Press
There’s a whole bunch of people out there who will support you to fight for your limitations. They are not mean or doing it on purpose. It’s mostly an unconscious happening. .
People Don’t Bitch alone - They Need an Accomplice
How many of you have experienced some happy times during the pandemic? And how many of you feel a little guilty about those times times your were happy?
A Battalion of Reasons for Not Getting Shit Done
Have you noticed the instant you come up with a cool idea it’s almost immediately followed by a huge fuckin’ battalion of reasons …
a Post Covid creative and cultural shift?
Sarah’s words got me thinking. I mean … what were the sixties (and 20s) about if not a kind of reaction to the mundane familiarity and inertia of what went before.
Fear is a fucker - but it’s got it’s good points
Have you noticed that fear doesn’t want us to take risks or experience anything that it hasn’t experienced before.
Wounded Spirit
There is nothing so disheartening than a wounded spirit. Creative hesitancy. Fear of not ‘doing it right’. I’ve seen it at my workshop time and again and it’s heartbreaking.
Money Talks - Spiritually Too
It occurred to me after one of my recent workshops that the people who benefit most from participating in it are the people who pay for it.
Shoot the Couple - Not the Place
As photographers, it’s easy to get overwhelmed with new surroundings especially if those surroundings have a kind of heightened aesthetic quality.
Creating Regular Content is an Effort Until it Becomes Effortless
People are always commenting on the amount of content I post, photography, video, written content, and often refer to it as prolific.
You Don’t Need a Juicy Camera - iPhone 11 Photography
We don’t need juicy cameras to take meaningful images. we need heart, a little bravado and we need to slow down and see what …
Photography Storytelling - If It’s Not Working Chop It
Is there anything in the frame that if removed would make it a more powerful image to look at?
Derailing the Matrix of Habit - Creative Self Awareness
Before I go into a shoot or start work on a project and at frequent intervals throughout my day I step into what I (pretentiously) call my ‘Creative Awareness Tank’ …
Never Ask A People Pleaser For Support
If you want support to achieve a goal first of all put it out there. Tell someone else about it. At least one other person.