This blog is a mix bag of all of my photography related creativity along with other musings and behind the scenes insight.
I invite you to check out my Street Photography Blog also.
The con of asking strangers for street portraits and not feeling awkward
Uncover the realities of approaching strangers for street portraits. Explore how discomfort fuels creativity and why true confidence in street photography isn’t about feeling comfortable.
Weekly Roundup - Zooms and Rope Swings
Up! Quick tidy up as the kids are coming. Wrote a little outline for an upcoming vlog/blog combo.
Weekly Roundup - Lockdown Chips
Feeling SLUGGISH! It hits me late on in the day. What it is I was doing when I was feeling great that I’m not doing now?
Weekly Roundup - Gangs of London
I started this week's diary late. I could backtrack and think about what I did yesterday but as Nessa would say, ‘if truth be told …