People are Amazing - Street Photography
People are amazing aren’t they?. Underneath all of our stuff we are all pretty much the same. We’re all a little nervous, apprehensive, a little shy, insecure. Yes, on the surface we all have a tiny little different way of going about our day. We all walk and talk a little different. But the essence of who we are is the same. Maybe it is this essence which appeals to us when we are looking at photographs of other people. Kind of like the image is a mirror and we are simply seeing part of ourselves reflected back.
It’s important to me that I take the time to slow down and see and be with people for whom they are and not my expectation of what they should be. It’s hard sometimes. Mostly I’m chomping at the bit gobbling up the next morsel of information either on my phone, instagram, YouTube etc. In fact slowing down these days often feels like swimming against a tidal wave.
Still I practice. Hopefully I’m learning.
There’s a whole bunch of people out there who will support you to fight for your limitations. They are not mean or doing it on purpose. It’s mostly an unconscious happening. .