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Money Talks - Spiritually Too

Creativity that Dares the Spirit

You benefit more when you pay

It occured to me after one of my recent workshops that the people who benefit most from particpating in it are the people who pay for it. I say this because there are a few people here and there I let in for zero fee as I’ve known them forever. Not their choice. They’d have happily paid. I’ve simply come from the place that I can’t charge them or can’t charge them much because I know them and I’m doing them a favour.

Am I though? Am I doing them a service? Or is it possible that I’m taking something valuable from my friends by not charging them?

It’s very obvious to me after faciliating my workshop all these years that the people that have paid benefit the most. They are more willing to participate and make use of the information. Before, during and after.

Which do you value more?

It’s profound actually the value we put on money. I’m not dissing it. Or having a judgement. I’m not one of those weird money is evil types. I’m merely observing it for the peculiar phenomenon it is.

What I’m seeing more and more in my life is that to learn, we have to value what it is we are learning. And the reality is if we pay for something we value it more, whatever it is.

Have you noticed the more expensive, i.e. the more money we pay, the more we value it.

Watch a movie that pops up on the BBC and then watch a movie you’ve rented for £7.00, even if it’s a movie you’ve seen before. Which movie is going to get your attention?

How about a camera you bought on eBay for £700 that’s only been used once and the same camera you bought brand new for £1,200. Which do you clean more?

A mobile phone that has been passed down to you or the same restored model you bought from a phone network for £75? Which phone gets a new case?

A self-development seminar you are doing through the company you work for or the exact same seminar on another day that you paid for? Which are you more bothered about?

When we invest money - we value the thing we have invested in more.

Don’t be afraid of money

My cousin Leanne often participates in my workshop and she always pays me to particpate despite my suggestion that she shouldn’t. She insists. The reason she does that is a) because she’s a sweetheart and b) because she gets value from participating in it. She has a strong real sense, concious or otherwise, of the value of money and how she benefits in relation to it.

What is the point of this blog post?

The point is this … don’t be afraid of money. Don’t be afraid to charge people for a service you are offering that is of value. And don’t be afraid to charge your friends and family … it just might be of value to them.

And it isn’t about changing our attitude toward money as much as it is about being aware of it. Then we can use it to our advantage.

p.s. money still can’t buy you love though ;) xxx


See this gallery in the original post