Jeff Ascough

A series of short, quickfire interviews with photographers we admire, who push boundaries with their work and continue to develop and grow as artists.

We are honoured to have Street Photographer Jeff Ascough as our first QuickShot interviewee.

You can follow his work along with his wife Sarah’s at @walklikealice on IG as well as his website

A movie every photographer must watch: 'The Revenant' with Emmanuel Lubezki as DOP (@chivexp on IG) is a favourite but anything that involves Roger Deakins as DOP is worth watching especially Blade Runner 2049.

An album to edit to: 'White Pony' by Deftones is usually somewhere in the background. Pretty much everything A Perfect Circle recorded is also on repeat. I played 'Fear Inoculum' by Tool for months all day, every day.

Shout out an Instagram photographer: @markusxandersenau

Your favourite photographer of all time: This is impossible to answer. I grew up photographically with Cartier-Bresson and Don McCullin's work and I guess those two have influenced my photography the most. I think Harry Gruyaert is the best colour photographer in the world right now. I adore his work. He's probably who I look at the most. I also love what Peter Lindbergh did with fashion and portraiture. I guess I have favourite bodies of work by a photographer rather than a favourite photographer. Depardon's 'Glasgow' for example or Ian Berry's 'The English'.

A photo accessory you can't do without: My Heliopan yellow filters for my Leica Monochrom.

Something we probably don't know about you: I wanted to be a criminal psychologist before I became a professional photographer.

What's the most surprising thing that's happened to you because of photography: I got to spend a week in France with Sir Don McCullin. He expressed an interest in digital photography and I was asked to go and teach him.

(Editors note: Check out Ascough with McCullin here: a fascinating little movie).

If you could photograph anybody past or present, dead or alive, who would it be: David Bowie. I have his portrait on my wall by Antonin Kratochvil. Bowie is a creative genius and has such presence in front of the camera.

Check out more of Jeff’s work at his website


Willie Velazquez