Newsletter - An Experiment in Creativity
an Experiment
I am inviting you all to subscribe to my newsletter. The coolest subscription in town - probably :)
In the next 12 months, this website is going to be a pure experiment in creative growth and I promise you will want to be along for the ride. In 2 weeks, I am going to be launching a series of daily and weekly features that are going to be of huge benefit creatively to everyone who subscribes to this website.
My purpose in life, before anything else that I do is to be present and enjoy life to it’s fullest in each moment. My photography has always been an expression of that and it is my intention now to take that further and to share articles and features that I hope will be of value to photographers and creatives everywhere.
We’re all Creative
NOTE! If you consider yourself to be non creative. Think again. As people, we are all of us creative. Those who consider themselves non creatives have simply not found their expression yet. My newsletter is for everyone.
I am also in the process of developing my personal brand and will share with you all of my insights as I progress. If these past few months have taught me anything it is that as people we are meant to be living a life of creativity. It feels natural to me. It feels real. It feels congruent with who I am on a deeper level.
Chasing around, working, and keeping busy in the name of being successful isn’t for me anymore. I am going to share with you some wonderful insights that reveal how by slowing down and aligning ourselves with the natural frequency of our lives we can accomplish more.
This may sound counter-intuitive and that is because it is. So please subscribe to my newsletter and be the first to receive what I hope is going to be a wonderful gift to you.
Maybe it’s time …
The past few months have been profoundly insightful to me as a creative, as a photographer and as a person and I sense that collectively as a country and maybe even as a planet it is time for us all to take stock of what it is that is most important in life.
My feeling is that ultimately it is to be happy and to live the fullest life we possibly can. Thank you for being part of the journey You can subscribe to the newsletter below and to my youtube channel here.
Social media’s full of curated nonsense—photographers acting like they’ve got it all figured out. Truth?