I took 100 portraits of my daughter in 5 minutes

Click here to see the Video we made.
Ok. So I took 100 Portraits of my daughter in 5 mins. I suppose this is a bit of a schoolboy challenge. And … that’s what lockdown does to ya. One of the things I do at my photography workshop is to challenge the participants to shoot against the clock.
My experience is that the degree to which we are focused, paying attention, and in the moment, is the degree to which time slows down. We become alert and we see time, the Matrix, is in fact something that can be manipulated. You simply have to be in the reality of the moment.
It’s akin to the sports person being in the zone. Everything becomes more vivid. Time is relative anyway. It’s more to do with how we’re looking at things than anything else. Einstein spoke about this in his theory of relativity and that guy knew what he was talking about.
All of the images you see here are chosen from the 140 images I took in that 5 minutes. I processed them in lightroom in under 40 minutes. The trick, the key, to being able to operate in a narrow time period is to slow down. To be deliberate.
This goes against our natural inclination which is to rush, to hurry and it takes practice for sure. The reality is that 5 minutes is a lot of time when you are totally 100% dialled in to the NOW moment. The images were taken inside the house as I wanted to be able to control the light a little.
Also, Sophia, my daughter is my favourite model. She’s been my model since birth pretty much and is so used to having her photograph taken it is indeed second nature to her. And … even I was surprised, as we leapt into the 5 minutes, that with only a tiny bit of prep from me, asking her to move a fair amount, she was on the balls of her feet from the outset, and made it easier for me to get my clicks.
Now, the images are not all tip top, and I’m real happy with the set as a whole and I’m totally happy with around 8-9 of the images with regards to them being able to stand alone as pretty good portraits. The fact is guys, we always have enough to create. The idea that we don’t have enough time is an excuse. I hope this video and the images are in someway a testament to that.
I hope you like the flick guys. Please do subscribe to my youtube channel as it is a big support to me.
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